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The library offers multiple ways you can volunteer!

  • General Library Services – Duties include working on ongoing library projects and assisting during special events. To learn more about upcoming volunteer opportunities for adults over the age of 16, contact library director Jenifer May at

  • ESL/Literacy Tutoring- The ESL, Literacy and World Language department is seeking volunteers to teach English and other language classes, tutor ESL and Literacy students on a one-on-one basis, and assist in building and maintaining our World Language collection. For more information, contact ESL/Literacy Coordinator Gladys Tous at or 201-330-2083 x4014

  • Teen Advisory Board – Review and talk about services provided by the Youth Department, recommend materials, and volunteer for youth programs. See our online calendar for our next meeting date. 

  • Book Reviewers – Students who are in grades 6 and under are welcome invited to review a book and have their review published on our blog.

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